Tech hiring insights

Karat blog


How to prepare for a remote technical interview image

Interview Insights


As organizations reevaluate hiring plans for the COVID-19 world, many job candidates are being left without resources. To support job seekers, the National Society of Black Engineers will be taking their annual career fair virtual for the first time next week, providing a vital lifeline for both software engineers seeking jobs, and for tech companies […]

Karat Interview Engineer Q&A with Joshua Lewis image

Life as an Interview Engineer


Joshua Lewis is the Chief Technology Officer at forgood and a Karat Interview Engineer. He has been in the software development industry for over 15 years. Husband to one, father to two. He/his/him. Joshua recently sat down for a Q&A with the Karat team to chat about his experiences and what led him to consider […]

What do Karat technical interviews measure? image

Interview Insights


Earlier this month, the team and I were reviewing online feedback, which is something we do regularly to refine the Karat technical interviewing solution. Some of the feedback suggested the Karat interview is too hard. Other feedback stated the Karat interview is too easy. One overarching theme that we did find was that candidates think […]

Hiring Software Engineers in Uncertain Times image

Industry Trends & Research


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking with our partners across industries about how COVID-19 is affecting them at home and at work. I’ve been inspired to see so many leaders — some of them friends — making decisions with profound thoughtfulness, demonstrating resilience, and an eagerness to help others.  While most companies are […]

Sign-up Rates, Signal, and Productivity:  3 Ways Live Technical Interviews Improve Hiring image

Industry Trends & Research


The unofficial motto of 2020 may well be “adapt and innovate.” All of us have been challenged to respond nimbly to a world that didn’t exist six months ago. Sectors like gaming, streaming services, and workforce productivity are seeing unprecedented demand. To meet consumer expectations these organizations need to achieve uptime targets, ship new features, […]

Remote Interview Resources, Karat Venture, and Hiring Analytics Dashboard image

Industry Trends & Research


Is it 2021 yet? The first quarter of 2020 may feel like a COVID-colored blur, but the Karat team has been hard at work upgrading our website (including this shiny new remote interview blog!) and helping companies transition to 100% remote hiring. Our mission of making every interview predictive, fair and enjoyable motivates us to […]

What every software engineer should do to stand out in an onsite interview loop image

Interview Insights


Most software engineers are familiar with the typical hiring process: A phone screen or technical interview leads to an onsite interview loop and — if all goes well — an offer. At Karat, we conduct first-round technical interviews on behalf of companies and work with them to make their hiring process predictive, fair, and enjoyable. […]

We spoke with leaders from Intuit, BCG Digital Ventures, and Microsoft about what they learned when expanding their university talent funnel. Here’s what they told us. image

Industry Trends & Research


A successful University Recruiting program can drive innovation, shape a culture, and set a company apart from its competitors. However, the path to get there can take many twists and turns. At URx 2019, we asked University Recruiting leaders Caroline Cunningham at Intuit, Paul Sledd at BCG Digital Ventures (BCGDV), and Brooke Simpson at Microsoft to share their insights and […]

Interview Engineering is Going Global image

News & Events


Next to family, friends, and health, our careers are one of the most important parts of our lives. Jobs give us purpose and fulfillment. Interviews are the gateway between each of us and our next job — they are a critical connection point. And yet, while the interview is a universal experience, it has never […]

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