Hire with Confidence at Cisco

Avoid below-bar placements and overspending with Karat Contractor Solutions.

Tara Smith

👋 Meet Tara Smith, your Cisco account manager!

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Tara Smith

👋 Meet Tara Smith, your Cisco account manager!

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Contractor Solutions

Hire strong engineer contractor teams

Quality engineering talent matters. We make it easy to hire great engineers by qualifying your candidates and interviewing them for you so you can hire quicker with confidence.

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Uplevel your contractor teams

Karat’s competitive advantage

+400,000 technical interviews conducted, and counting…

Avoid below bar placements

58% of vendor candidates were identified as below the bar via the Karat Interview.

Time is money

1.9 days is the average time in process. We move fast while achieving a 4.6 out of 5 candidate experience rating.

Customized for Cisco

We know how important it is that every Cisconian contractor you hire aligns to your hiring bar. We work with our customers to customize the content and experiences to always be on-brand and embody the best candidate experience.

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Hire your next best Cisconian

Fractal Software

I love working with Karat because it saves a ton of time. It creates a consistent and standard interview process.

Martin Kess

Head of Engineering

Fractal Software
